Page 185 - Pure Life 32
P. 185
184 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 147-189, Autumn. 2022
Acknowledgment List of References
Hereby, I sincerely thank
the respected professors of 1. The Holy Quran.
sports management and 2. Ateca-Amestoy, Victoria.
sports sociology, the Serrano-del-Rosal, Rafael. and
Esperanza Vera-Toscano (2008).
employees of the Ministry The Leisure Experience. The
of Sports and other loved Journal of Socio-Economics.
ones who helped us in Vol. 37 (Issue. 1): 64-78.
conducting this research. 3. Bahrami, Shahab. Kayani,
Mohammad Saeed. Nazari,
Leila . and Leila Shahbazpour
(2022). The Effect of Social
Education Teachers on
Optimizing Leisure Time and
Preventing Social Damage of
Students. Education Management
and Perspective Quarterly. Vol. 3
(Issue 3): 29-54.
4. Creswell, John (2017).
Qualitative Inquiry and
Research Design: Choosing Among
Five Approaches. 4th Edition.
London: Sage Publications.
5. Cuaderes, E.T. Parker, D. and
C.E. Burgin (2004). Leisure
Time Physical Activity in
Adult Native Americans.
Southern Online Journal of
Nursing Research. Vol. 5: 111-130.