Page 184 - Pure Life 32
P. 184
The Strategic Model of Sports Leisure Management… M.S Kiani and L. Nazari (183
The officials of the strategies by emphasizing
organizations responsible the Iranian model should
for sports leisure time, not face problems. Of
including the Federation of course, the role of
General Sports, Deputy intervening factors such as
General Sports of the facilities, organizational
Ministry of Sports and structure and human
Youth, municipalities, the resources should not be
Ministry of Education, the overlooked.
Ministry of Science, Finally, the implementation
Research and Technology, of the strategies mentioned
etc guarantee be made. in the research in the
Also, considering the technical, social, physical-
limitations such as national psychological and
budget factors, legal-legal anthropological sections can
factors and management lead to positive
factors that exist in the way consequences in the field of
of implementing the sports leisure, including
strategic plan of sports improving the quality of
leisure with emphasis on life, physical and mental
the Iranian model, conditions health, individual personality
should be provided to and physical fitness of the
facilitate the environmental general society.
conditions for the implementation
of the strategic plan of
leisure so that The
implementation of leisure time