Page 207 - Pure Life 32
P. 207
206 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 191-211, Autumn. 2022
According to verse 103 Based on this, the cases
of Surah Tawbah, the Holy of obligatory zakat during
Prophet, got a mission from the time of the Prophet,
God to collect Zakat from peace will be different from
the property of Muslims the time of Imam Ali or
and purify them. other pure imams; because
The Holy Prophet in the the needs and interests of
position of the ruler and the society are different at
responsible for the any time, the Islamic ruler
administration of the society, may expand the scope of
counted nine things as the obligatory zakat to include
most important capital of commercial property and may
that time, especially Saudi tighten it. (Sadoq, 1994)
Arabia, and made them
subject to zakat tax and did 4. Rational Reason
not include zakat on other This reason has three
things. introductions:
Therefore, at any age and - Islamic economic system
time, it is the responsibility is based on social justice
of the ruler of Sharia to
determine the cases of - The requirement of social
obligatory zakat. He does justice varies with different
such an action based on the economic conditions
need of the time and - The final option is to
considering the interests of entrust the guardian with the
the society. responsibility of upholding
social justice and the public