Page 203 - Pure Life 32
P. 203
202 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 191-211, Autumn. 2022
verse's generality. Yes, there The Prophet said:
are hadiths that claim that “Zakat is paid on wheat,
during his lifetime, the barley, corn, millet, rice,
Prophet restricted the cases salt (a type of barley),
of zakat to nine and lentils and sesame”.
abolished the ruling of
zakat from other things. This narration expands
For example, according to the circle of things on
the narration of Al-Jala which Zakat is obligatory
from Imam Baqir and and its chain of
Imam Sadiq, God made transmission is correct.
Ibn Junaid Sakafi did not
zakat obligatory along with believe that zakat was only
prayer, and the Messenger
of God placed zakat on required in nine circumstances;
nine things: Gold, silver, but also in the cases of
camels, cows, sheep, wheat, products like grain, lentils,
barley, dates, and raisins. sesame, rice, honey, trade
In addition to these goods, etc.
Hadith, there is another This view was shared by
group of Hadiths that Yunus ibn Abd al-Rahman,
considers zakat obligatory one of the great narrators
in more than nine cases, and jurists, as well as one
such as the narration of of Imam Kazim and Imam
Mohammad ibn Muslim Reza's friends.
Thaqafi when He asked the Also, Sheikh Sadouq and
Imam about the zakat of his father, in addition to
grains and cereals. nine things, believe that