Page 209 - Pure Life 32
P. 209
208 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 191-211, Autumn. 2022
time and locality have a differences in the sources
significant impact on how of wealth in the societies.
zakat possessions change. The verse “Take from
The word, property is whatever their wealth a charity”
mankind possesses, and commands that zakat should
according to the literal be taken from everything
meaning and Quranic usage that has the title of wealth.
of property, there are some Since the property is
things that are exempted different at any time and
from Zakat. place, it has not limited the
The Holy Prophet examples of zakat to some
established zakat as a cases and this situation
requirement in nine cases indicates that the determination
and in other financial situations of the examples is left to
during his time since the the needs of time and place.
sources of wealth at the time Taking and collecting
were certain and obvious. zakat is one of the powers
This does not mean that of the Islamic ruler,
other things are not eligible according to the conditions
for zakat; rather, the of time and place (if needed)
Islamic ruler from his and the establishment of
position might make zakat social justice. The ruler or
obligatory on other items guardian can develop the
outside the nine items and cases of obligatory zakat
this is based on the and invent examples of
requirements of the commercial goods to collect
community and the zakat.