Page 206 - Pure Life 32
P. 206
The Requirements of Time and Place… K. Korkmaz and S.H. Abedian (205
of the generation, He says:
guaranteeing the security of Despite the fact that the
life, etc. laws of Sharia are fixed,
In contrast to these fixed sometimes their implementation
rulings, there are rulings differs from one age to
that are not fixed and another due to the
permanent; but the way to conditions of time and place.
change them is open, and Therefore, the practical
those are the rulings that treatise that with the
Islam has allowed the transformation that occurs
Guardian of Muslims to in these conditions, these
determine according to the differences should be considered
interests and in the light of in the recognition of the
the fixed rulings, the conditions Sharia ruling. (Zamani, 1990)
and the requirements of
time and place. 3. The Summation of
Martyr Sadr also believes Conflicting Narrations
that time and place have a on the Obligation of
different effect on these Zakat
rulings; That is, although The jurists have presented
time and place are not several solutions to resolve
involved in determining the conflict between the
their type, they are effective hadiths related to Zakat
in adapting them to their cases and some other jurists
subjects. have presented another way
to combine the two types of