Page 205 - Pure Life 32
P. 205
204 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 191-211, Autumn. 2022
Shari'a rulings to be needs are solved with the
implemented. cooperation and empathy
A question can be raised of the people of the society.
here, is it possible to ask here:
Are Sharia laws considered - When we examine human
for a particular period and needs, some of these needs
location, and if those are fixed and basic and
circumstances change, do some others are unstable
the laws change as well? and variable, which change
Or the fact that certain with time and place and
decisions are fixed while according to different
others are variable? circumstances.
Martyr Sadr presents It must be proven that
evidence, which is composed the Shari'a rulings that the
of three parts, the summary Holy Prophet and the
of which is as follows: infallible Imams have
announced have two fixed
- Sharia ruling is a law
issued by God to regulate and variable parts.
human life. According to Fixed rulings are a
the definition given in the response to the fixed needs
book “Lessons in the of human beings, such as
Science of Fundamentals”. the guarantee of livelihood,
(Sadr, 2012, Vol. 1) the right to use the wealth
that has been obtained
- The process of social life through work and effort,
causes the emergence of providing the necessary
new human needs and these conditions for the survival