Page 38 - Pure Life 32
P. 38

Conceptual Metaphors of “Selm” Verses… Z. Mirsepasi et al (37

               studied verses metaphorical            research  method  based  on
               expressions.                           the Charteris-Black perspective

                  In  general,  despite  the          has  been  used,  which
               researches that are based on           includes  three  stages  of
               peace  from  the  perspective          describing, interpreting and

               of the Quran and efforts to            explaining conceptual metaphors.
               represent  this  concept;  It             Charteris-Black       points
               seems  that  so  far,  a  few          out  that  metaphors  may

               researches  have  been  done           refer  to  many  linguistic,
               about      the      conceptual         cognitive,  or  pragmatic
               metaphors  of  peace  in  the          features to varying degrees.
               Quran; although researches             Has  stated  criteria  for

               have  been  done  on  the              recognizing          metaphor.
               linguistic      analysis      of       Linguistic criteria including

               conceptual  metaphors  in              Reification,  personification
               Quran.                                 and     de    personification,
                                                      pragmatic  and  cognitive
               Research Methods                       criteria have been stated as
               Revealing  the  underlying             criteria     for     metaphor
               thoughts,     attitudes     and        recognition. (Charteris-Black,
               beliefs  contained  in  the            2004: 21)

               verses  of  the  Quran  is                 He believes that metaphorical
               somewhat  achievable  with             choices  are  determined  by

               the help of critical analysis          cognitive, semantic, pragmatic,
               of the conceptual metaphors            historical,  cultural,  and
               of  the  Quran.  In  this              ideological  considerations.
               research,      a    qualitative
                                                      (Ibid: 248)
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