Page 36 - Pure Life 32
P. 36
Conceptual Metaphors of “Selm” Verses… Z. Mirsepasi et al (35
an absolute and final value played a role as the
that its achievement in any domains of origin in
form is considered more metaphorical understanding
sublime than the absence of of target areas such as
peace. revelation, prophecy, happiness,
Hejazi et al (2018) in an misleading, resurrection,
article titled “Cognitive torment, death, change,
Analysis of Conceptual acceptance, deed, etc. Also,
Metaphors of Movement in they believe that the
the Holy Quran” believe application of each of the
that Quran expresses man's verbs for the concepts of
life as a movement to God the destination domain, in
in the form of metaphor. addition to the transfer of
Accordingly, in order to the motion attribute, also
understand the relationship explains the nature of the
between the concepts of movement in each of the
movement in the form of destination domains. Finally,
metaphor and the concept the conceptual metaphors
of life, conceptual metaphors of the extracted movement
with the field of motion in in this paper are covered by
the Holy Quran were the fundamental metaphor
examined and analyzed by and the aspects of the
a cognitive approach and it concept of life from the
was found that the movement point of view of the Holy
verbs such as Jaye, Eti, Quran serve to fulfill the
Magnus, Arsal, Anzal, divine goal.
Hoody and Dolel, have