Page 88 - Pure Life 32
P. 88

The Effect Quality of the Intercultural Dialogues… S.H.A. Shah Rizvi and M. Alviri / (87

               separation from Muslims is                Establishing  the  role  of
               established.                           Prophet  Muhammad  as  the

                  The  Jewish  Banu  Al               peacemaker  between  the
               shutbah tribe is inserted as           two  groups  and  the  others
               one  of  the  Jewish  groups,          in  Medina  was  central  to

               rather  than  with  the  nine          the  ending  of  internal
               tribes  mentioned  earlier  in         violence  in  Medina  and
               the       document.         The        was  an  essential  feature  of

               constitution also established          the constitution. The document
               Prophet  Muhammad  as  the             ensured        freedom        of
               mediating  authority  and              religious      beliefs      and

               peacemaker  amongst  those             practices  for  all  members
               groups  and  forbids  waging           who follow the believers.
               war         without          his          It  imposed  a  tax  system

               authorization.  The constitution       for       supporting         the
               formed the basis of a multi-           community  in  times  of
               religious Islamic community            conflict. It declared the role
               in Medina. (Firestone, 1999)           of  Medina  as  a  Haram,

                  The  constitution  was              (Hamidullah,  1958)  sacred
               created  to  end  the  bitter          place,  where  no  blood  of
               intertribal  conflict  between         the peoples included in the

               the rival  clans of  Aws  and          pact can be spilled. Haram
               Khazraj        in      Medina          indeed is the place of peace
               (Serjeant,  1978)  and  to             with     God     and     God’s

               maintain        peace       and        creation  indicating  that
               cooperation       among      all       Islam  is  the  religion  of
               groups in Medina.                      peace  and  the  community
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