Page 84 - Pure Life 32
P. 84

The Effect Quality of the Intercultural Dialogues… S.H.A. Shah Rizvi and M. Alviri / (83

                  In such a community, the            as  an  element  of  faith-
               Prophet         took         the       based peacemaking.

               opportunity         of       his          During        a     13-year
               addresses       in    different        prophecy, Prophet Muhammad
               culture, and used his noble            took  the  opportunity  of

               background  to  be  the                tribal    relationship      and
               promised one for People of             invited  people  to  the  new
               the Book, a peacemaker for             religion. He well knew that

               the  fighting  tribes,  and            Quraysh cannot assassinate
               finally a merciful leader for          him  because  they  were
               the community.                         scare  of  confronting  Bani

                  This  teaches  us  how  a           Hashim        and       butting
               peacemaker  can  transform             themselves  in  the  situation
               conflict  presented  in  a             of war in Mecca.

               society  to  build  peace  and            Therefore,              their
               integrity.                             troublemaking to the Prophet
                                                      was  a  kind  of  defamation,
                   •  Environment            of       accusation and less physical
                      Medina                          damages. (Shahidi, 1970)
               Before       knowing         the          Although a tribal society
               environment  of  Medina,  it           had  some  benefits,  it  was

               is  important  to  have  a             not  a  proper  ground  to
               glance at the background of            establish  one  faith-based
               environmental  shift  from             Umma. So the Prophet has

               Mecca      to    Medina       to       decided  to  change  the
               understand  Hijra  strategy
                                                      limited  environment  to  the
                                                      ideal  one  in  which  the
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