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               82  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 61-97, Autumn. 2022

               would be paining  (Ibn  Sa'd,          of  God  in  Medina.  (Ref:
               1985)                                  Quran,  2:  89)  Despite  of
                                                      the  Jewish  rejection  to  the
                   •  Anthropology           of       new  Prophet,  the  divine
                      Medina                          doctrines of the holy Book
               Knowing people of Medina               affected  the  population  in
               helps us to customize what             the  region  and  paved  the
               the  Prophet  did  to  them            way  for  welcoming  to  the

               from          peace         and        Prophet  immigrated  from
               reconciliation,      to      the       Mecca to Medina.
               contemporary              peace        - The long conflict between

               practitioners of the world.            two grate tribes in Medina,
               - Contrary to the people of            Aws and Khazraj and their
               Mecca  who  were  mostly               exhausting  situation  before

               ignorant and pagan, people             Hijra  led  them  to  seek  a
               in  Medina  had  peaceful              peacemaker to resolve their
               coexistence with  People of            lasting  conflict.  Therefore,

               the  Book  for  a  long  time.         they       found       Prophet
               (Makarim  Shirazi,  1950)              Muhammad as the savior as
               People  of  the  Book  were            well as the peacemaker.
               monotheists  and  people  of           -  The  tribal  culture  and

               Medina became familiar to              warm  welcome  the  heads
               this  transcendent  doctrine           of  tribes  to  the  Prophet,
               of monotheism.                         caused      the    people     of

               -  People  of  the  Book  used         Medina  to  accept  Prophet
               to  have  the  culture  of             Muhammad.
               waiting for the last Prophet
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