Page 109 - Pure Life 33
P. 109
108 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 101-129, Winter. 2023
imagination of the dreamer interpreted the knowledge
to the imagination of the in the form of milk. (Ibid,
interpreter; The second is Vol. 2: 57)
from the seer forms to the
real ones as he (the 2. Origin of Dream
interpreter) interprets it. Dream is considered one of
Regarding to this, the the Imaginalization kinds
imagination of the and in order for it to be
interpreter may coincide with achieved, the relationship
the imagination of the seer or between the two worlds:
may be not, and when they contiguous world and
coincide, the passing called discontiguous world of
imagination must be realized.
“Understanding” and when
they do not, the situation is The imaginal faculty plays
not a passing but just an an important role in
“Utterance, Lafz”. (Ibn Arabi, receiving divine effusion
1997, Vol. 3: 453) and unseen matters, and
Ibn Arabi believes that imaginlizes and embodies
revelation is the descending the spiritual truths for man
of the rational meanings in such as vision, so that the
the common sense as farther a person moves
determined forms in the away from material and
presence of the imagination worldly concerns, the more
in sleeping or wakefulness, his imaginal faculty reaches
so what was in sleep would the limit of perfection in
be a dream, as the reflecting realities and
Messenger of God unseen matters in a more