Page 116 - Pure Life 33
P. 116
Mystical Analysis of Dream… Y. Ali. & K.F. Mustafa (115
brothers in the form of stars which my Lord has made
and his father and come true”. (Quran, 12: 100)
stepmother in the form of
the sun and the moon Meaning that God made
would be very pleasing to it manifest and clear to the
them. Since (his brothers) senses, after it had been
did not know what Joseph true in imaginative form.
had seen and his perception (Ibn Arabi, 1946, Vol. 1:
was preserved in his 100-101)
imagination. 3. Joseph’s Fellow-
When Joseph told Jacob Prisoners Dreams
his dream, his father was They are the two dreams
aware of the danger and that the companions of
said: Joseph saw in the prison
“My son, do not tell your when they entered it with
dream to your brothers him and this is what was
lest they plot against mentioned in the noble
you; satan is the sworn verse:
enemy of man”. (Quran, “Two young men were
12: 5) also sent to serve prison
sentences (for different
And After that Joseph at
the end of the story said: reasons). One of them
“Father! This is the said, ‘I had a dream in
fulfillment of my dream of which I was brewing
long ago (interpretation wine’. The other one
of my earlier dream), said, ‘In my dream I was
carrying some bread on