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               112  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 101-129, Winter. 2023
               its  intended  and  truthful           Almighty’s  command  and
               meanings,      and    this    is       took     the    initiative    to

               something  that  Abraham               implement        it    without
               did  not  do,  that  is,  he  did      interpretation while the one
               not interpret the form in his          who was slaughtered was a

               dream.                                 ram  that  appeared  in  the
                  The  reason  behind  this           form  of  Abraham’s  son  in
               lies  in  the  fact  that              his dream.

               Abraham        had     become             It  must  be  pointed  out
               accustomed  to  taking  from           here  that  the  ram  form  of
               the  discontiguous  world  of          the  son  was  not  a  mere

               imagination  in  which  what           coincidence;  Rather,  there
               he  took  corresponds  to              is  such  a  compatibility
               reality  without  interpreting         between the imagined form

               what  he  takes,  and  this  is        in     the     presence       of
               the  matter  by  which  the            imagination  and  the  true
               imaginary  forms  would                meaning  of  this  form,
               correspond  to  that  ones  in         which  is  manifested  by

               the world of  sense without            submission  of  Abraham
               any       difference        and        and Ismail to the Almighty
               therefore, there is no need for        God.

               interpretation.      (Kashani,            So,  What  Abraham  saw
               1992: 103)                             was a divine test relating to
                  Accordingly, when he saw            knowledge,  i.e.  the  vision

               in  a  dream  that  he  was            was  a  divine  reason  for
               slaughtering  his  son,  he            Abraham  to  know  that  the
               considered  that  as  the              slaughter  form needs  to  be
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