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               110  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 101-129, Winter. 2023
               of  self-  mortification  to           Analyzing  the  Verses  of
               arrive at God.                         Dream  from  the  Mystic

                  According        to     that,       Viewpoint
               practical  mysticism  is  the          The  Holy  Quran  was  not
               knowledge of the heart that            limited  in  its  verses  of

               is realized through intuition          visions  to  the  prophets’
               and seeing.                            ones; but also presented the
                  It  is  necessary  to  state        visions  related  to  people

               that it is unfair in a place to        who are not prophets, which
               reduce  the  scientific  nature        we will explain and analyze
               of  mystical  matters  to  the         according  to  the  following

               unity of existence or Divine           order related to the ranks of
               presence; Rather, what makes           the seer:
               mysticism  an  mysticism  is               1.  Abraham Dream

               the  path  to  God  for  God           It is the vision of Abraham
               Almighty  only  and  only,             in  which  he  was  about  to
               and  not  tarnishing  this             slaughter  his  son  Ismail,
               intention  with  anything              God Almighty said:

               else, and this matter in fact             “When  his  son  was  old
               enters  a  scholar  or  takes             enough to work with him,
               another      out      of     the          he said, ‘My son, I have

               framework  of  mysticism.                 had a dream that I must
               (Ali et al, 2020: 78)                     sacrifice  you.  What  do
                                                         you  think  of  this?’  He

                                                         replied,  Father,  fulfill
                                                         whatever        you      are
                                                         commanded  to  do  and
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