Page 209 - Pure Life 33
P. 209
208 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
the Muslim philosopher’s while one whose fitrah is
point of view, any physical polluted (Atheists) deny the
cosmology completely existence of God. (Fahs
accords with the theistic and al-Askari, (2021: 27)
idea that God has created So, even if a physical
and always sustains the model can explain the
universe continuously. For, creation of the universe out
the universe in its totality is of nothing, it does not
indeed a contingent entity, imply that the world can
and hence needs an agent come into existence and
cause as the creator of the survive without Divine grace.
world. Interestingly the same
Moreover, God is the view is held by some
continuous sustainer of the Christian theologians who
world such that without the believe that all physical
grace of God, the world cosmologies, and in
with everything within it particular quantum cosmology,
will be destroyed completely accord with the
immediately. (Ref: Ibn- traditional theistic idea that
Sina, 1979, Vol 3: 2-28; God always sustains the
Mulla-Sadra, 1981, Vol. 2: universe continuously.
212-219; Ibid, Vol. 3: (Craig, 1993; Drees, 1988;
244-278; Ibid, Vol. 5: 194-246) Ibid, 1990; Ibid, 1991)
According to this, Pure
Fitrah leads human beings
to recognize that there is a
creator for our universe,