Page 207 - Pure Life 33
P. 207
206 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
supports such a imaginable how they could
proposition. On the other be the material cause of the
hand, if the laws are universe.
assumed as contingent To find the universe’s
temporal entities, then the origin, Hawking (2011)
question of the origins of asked: “Did God create the
the laws raises again. quantum laws that allowed
Moreover, the alleged the Big Bang to occur? In a
eternal laws are either the nutshell, did we need a god
customary laws of our to set it all up so that the
universe or some Big Bang could bang?” He,
hypothetical hyper laws however, offers no answer
radically different from to the question.
known physical laws and In his critique of
entirely outside our experience. Hawking, Davies (2011)
In the latter case, it says: “You need to know
would be totally where those laws come
implausible and even from. That’s where the
incorrect to apply rules like mystery lies- the laws”.
the Heisenberg uncertainty So, as Gardner (2000: 303)
principle and quantum asserts, “There is no escape
fluctuation to explain the from the superultimate
universe’s creation. questions: Why is there
Furthermore, in both cases, something rather than
even if it is accepted that nothing, and why is the
such laws can play the role something structured the
of effective cause, it is not way it is?