Page 208 - Pure Life 33
P. 208
Quantum Fluctuation… M.S. Mousavi Karimi (207
In response, some physical models based on
physicists claim that the phenomenon of
whoever said, “You can’t quantum fluctuation- i.e:
get something from nothing,” The Tryon-Vilenkin and
must never have learned Hawking-Hartle models-
quantum physics; But the were critically evaluated.
fact of the matter is that It was shown that these
whoever said, “You can get models are indeed
something from nothing,” explaining the creation of
must never have learned the universe, not out of
the meaning of nothing. nothing, but from something.
In the final section, it
Conclusion was demonstrated that no
In this paper, we tried to physical theory can ever
evaluate critically the claim explain the creation of the
that the creation of the universe out of nothing by
universe out of nothing can appealing to the laws of
be explained purely nature.
physically by appealing to The outcome of the
the phenomenon of paper is that the creatio ex
quantum fluctuation. nihilo of the universe out of
So, firstly, the main nothing can only be
assumptions and implications explained metaphysically
of modern cosmology were by appealing to some
explained. Then, the external causes.
assumptions and implications In this final part, it is
of the most important
worth mentioning that from