Page 205 - Pure Life 33
P. 205
204 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
The common problem of from ‘nothing’, says:
all physical models is that “There is nothing here; I
they use the notion of will concede that; But it’s
“physical nothingness” an extremely interesting
which is not a real nothing form of nothing. There was
at all. By this notion, nothing originally. There is
physicists mean empty nothing here now; But
space in which quantum [through] whatever event
fields, a non-zero amount happened at the inception
of field energy, or a of the universe, it became
powerful electromagnetic an interesting form of
field (Berdyugin, et al, nothing, which seems to be
2022) remain. something”.
In effect, “absolute non- That is, he, as a chemist,
existence” sharply differs claims that the entire
from “physical nothingness”. universe is actually
Thus, no physical model ‘nothing’! Ironically, this
can ever explain creatio ex position does confirm that
nihilo. “out of nothing, nothing
It seems, therefore, that comes”. So, the causal
the basic principle of origin of the existent
metaphysics, “ex nihilo, universe cannot be
nihil fit” is correct. “nothing”.
Atkins (2011) however, There remains another
in response to Willian problem for physicists who
Craig’s insistence that claims that the laws of
‘something’ cannot come physics could have created