Page 204 - Pure Life 33
P. 204
Quantum Fluctuation… M.S. Mousavi Karimi (203
isn’t a pocket of So, the problem still
nothingness. (Yam, 1997: 82) remains: What is the origin
Quantum mechanics tells of these ingredients?
us that the vacuum of space In sum, the issue with all
is not empty. (Gefter, 2010: 29) physical theories is that
In modern physics, there they have to presuppose
is no such thing as nothing. some properties and
(Morris, 1990: 25) entities to explain the
A region of seemingly universe’s creation.
empty space is not really As Polkinghorne (1988: 60)
empty. (Kolb, 1998: 43) states: Suppose for a
Quanta, virtual or actual, moment that such a
false or true, are not fluctuation was the actual
Nothing, they are definitely origin of our universe. It
Something. (Estling, 1995: would certainly not have
69-70) come from something
Quantum mechanics never which without great abuse
produces something out of of language could be called
nothing... quantum vacuum “nothing”. There has to be
is a lot of matter-antimatter a quantum field (or
potential- not nothing. actually; because of the
(Sarfati, 1998: 21) complexity of our world,
Even Hawking (2011) many quantum fields)
declares that to create a given as the source of the
Universe, “you need just fluctuation. The price of the
three ingredients”: matter, “free lunch” is the provision
energy, and space. of those quantum fields”.