Page 221 - Pure Life 33
P. 221
220 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 219-239, Winter. 2023
Introduction accuracy one should have a
The Holy Quran says: good command on Arabic
“Surely! We have revealed Language.
it an Arabic Quran that In Islamic tradition,
you may understand”. learning Arabic language
(Quran, 12: 2) has been recommended and
appreciated by authorities.
The only book that is Imam Sadiq Says:
available for Human kind “Learn Arabic; because
without any error and it is the word of God
changes is in Arabic with which He speaks to
Language and has been His servants”. (Majlisi,
translated in more than 80 1983, Vol. 2: 212)
languages, just in Indonesia
it has been translated in 16 Do keep the Arabic
local languages and language alive, we have
translation into a few more said a thousand times that
languages are also under the Arabic language is not
way. (International Quran the language of one nation.
News Agency, 2019) This is the language of
Translations are Islam. If there was no
important; but could carry Quran, this language would
inaccuracy and cannot not have remained in the
produce the beauty of the world. Every culture, every
actual meaning. civilization, if it wants to
Therefore, to understand survive, its language must
Qur’an in depth with higher survive. If his language is