Page 224 - Pure Life 33
P. 224
De-militarization of Language… K.R. Jamani. & A.A. Shameli (223
Sibawayh in his “Book not being used frequently
Al-Kitaab” uses an neither in books nor by
example (Izhaba wa Qatala teachers during the lectures.
wa Yazrib) meaning “Go For teaching Sarf and
and killed and hit”, and Nahw, one of the textbooks
then he uses (Yazhabu wa named “Dars Nameh Sarf
Tizrabu wa Yaqtulu wa and Nahw” is being used
Yuzrib) meaning “He is in multiple institutes in
going, hitting, killing and Iran.
being hit”. (Sibawayh, This book is also
1988, Vol. 1: 12) militarized by the word
Tese are the examples “Zaraba” and the frequency
with full of violence had of this word can easily be
been used first time by checked in this book. This
Sibawayh in history and book carries total 130
since then the authors of pages; the main body of
Arabic grammar books have this book is on 110 pages.
been following him. In these 110 pages, the
He mainly used two word “Zaraba” meaning
words one is killing or kill “Beat” has been used 100
and the second one is times. (Mousavian, 2017)
beating or beat. Mainly the Apart from this, the
current books and teacher frequency of this word
use the word “Zaraba and being repeated by teacher
Yuzribu” while giving and students during the
lectures and the word lecture is almost impossible.
“Qatala” meaning “Kill” is