Page 225 - Pure Life 33
P. 225
224 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 219-239, Winter. 2023
This word “Zaraba” is and once a textbook is
being used in almost all the adapted, it is difficult to
books of Sarf and Nahw. change that book; because
And this is not the only of the multiple reasons.
violent word being used in The result indicates that the
Sarf and Nahw. factors influencing the
The books of Arabic process include teachers,
grammar are filled with the learners and the
violent words like, Sword, management. And the
Enemy, killing, revenge, standards involved in this
etc. This brings a question domain could either be
that is the militarization of general or specific or both.
Arabic grammar is done The process of selection
deliberately or un- and evaluation of the
deliberately? I keep this literature in textbook is
question open for the vast. (Amerian and Khaivar,
expert to research because 2014: 523 )
this is not our objective
here. 3. The Impact on
This is called Human Life
militarization of textbook, The words being used in
where violent words, our daily life impact on our
phrases or negative words body and shapes human
are being used to explain a aura. The words employed
concept. in textbooks convey more
The adaptation of a than just meaning; they
textbook is a long process also serve as instruments