Page 226 - Pure Life 33
P. 226

De-militarization of Language… K.R. Jamani. & A.A. Shameli (225

               for  molding  our  way  of             stating     ethical     topics,
               thinking and acting.                   oblige students to think and

                  That  indicates  that  if           explore       these       isues.
               someone  wants  to  elicit  a          (Hosseini  Dehshiri,  2022:
               particular  response  from             113)

               the audience, he or she can
               do  it  by  using  certain             Psychology of Words
               phrases. However, it is also               1.  The     Effects      on

               possible  that  the  phrases                  Words  on  Human
               chosen       for    textbooks,                Brain and Personality
               lectures,      and      student        In    past    few     decades,

               discussions        will     not        research  in  the  field  of
                                                      Psychology has changed our
               achieve  the  desired  results
               or divert the audience from            beliefs.  Linguistic  research

               their  course;  because  they          over  the  last  25  years  has
               are the tools that will frame          concluded         that       the
               pupils'      thinking       and        influence  of  words  and
               personalities,  these  words           phrases  on  our  thinking

               are extremely valuable and             patterns  and  processes  is
               have high impact on human              extremely considerable.
               life.                                     We  are  not  much  aware

                  On  the  other  hand,    he         about  the  influence  of
               teacher        can        make         language  we  use,  it  effects
               significant  use  of  the              our  behavior  in  significant

               composition  bell,  he  can            ways. The result shows that
               use  these  hours  to  raise           our  concepts,  believes  and
               ethical  issues  and,  by              thinking patterns are shaped
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