Page 223 - Pure Life 33
P. 223
222 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 219-239, Winter. 2023
as no longer completely Persian man named Abu
responsible, the academic Bishr Amr ibn Uthman ibn
discourses, along with Qanbar al-Basri (760-796)
textbooks and curricula, known as Sibawayh.
have played a prime role in He was a Persian leading
beginning, prolonging, or grammarian of Basra and
exacerbating these conflicts. author of the earliest
(Naseem, 2014: 11). Arabic linguistics books.
Demilitarization is the His famous unnamed work,
action of removing military referred to as Al-Kitab, or
forces from an area, while ‘The Book’, is a five
in academics it would be volume seminal encyclopedic
the process of removing the grammar of the Arabic
stimulus from the language. He is Amr ibn
curriculum that would be Uthman, and he was mainly
serving as a cause for a grammarian. He arrived
militarization. in Baghdad, fell in with the
local grammarians, was
2. Arabic Grammar humiliated and went back
Books to some town in Persia, and
Textbook is one of the old died there while still a
tools being used by almost young man. (Sibawayh,
all educational systems. 1988, Vol. 1)
Until now, thousands of Sibawayh's al-Kitab was
Arabic grammar books the first book on Arabic
have been written; but the grammar. (Bod, 2013: 76)
history goes back to a