Page 40 - Pure Life 33
P. 40

The Educational Thoughts in… M. Kadkhodaei & J. Zeng (39

            vocation. Thus, Islam regards                gold on the necks of pigs”.
            education  as  the  basic  right             (Ibn Majah, 2013, Vol. 1: 224)

            and duty of mankind.
               In  the  early  days  of  Islam           The Quran says about these
            appearance,  the  Islamic  legal          people:

            rules confirm the equal rights               “And  like  the  disbelievers
            of women and men in enjoying                 (in hearing the words of the
            education. This contrasts sharply            prophets  and  while  do  not

            with  educational  ethics  such              understand the meaning) he
            as  “women  have  no  talent”                likes an animal to be called
            and “women are the source of                 and he does not understand

            evil”. Apart from the education              the  meaning  and  hears
            of  secular  knowledge  in                   nothing  but  a  cry),  the
            general sense, Muslim women                  disbelievers are deaf, dumb,

            also have to receive religious               and blind; because they do
            education  and  study  the                   not  think  over  what  they
            Islamic doctrines and law.                   hear”. (Quran, 2: 171)

               So  in  the  history  of  Islam,          In addition, learning should

            there have been many famous               not  be  restricted  by  other
            female scholars. Islam emphasizes         factors such as ethnicity, gender,
            not  to  impart  knowledge  to            religion, etc. Imam Ali said:

            those  who are not suitable  to              “Wisdom  is  the  lost  object
            acquire  knowledge.  As  the                 of  the  believer,  so  seek
            Holy Prophet said:                           wisdom  even  if  it  is  from

               “The  teacher  who  tries  to             the  hypocrites”.  (Nahj  al-
               teach  knowledge  to  the                 Balagha, Wisdom. 80)
               incompetent is like one who

               hangs  jewels,  pearls  and
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