Page 41 - Pure Life 33
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40 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 27-61, Winter. 2023
Such a claim allows Muslims It means that the present
not to deprive themselves of life is like a land farmed by
learning from others and to peasants but the later life is
respect the Master regardless the harvest season for
of religion or ethnicity. peasants. If you do not build
your life, you will not be able
Difference in Achieving to build a happy life for your
Educational Objectives: How future life.
to Encourage Scholars? Imam Hasan said:
Islam emphasizes both present “Live for the present life as
life and the later life at the if you will be immortal and
same time. It encourages the think about for your
believers to seek knowledge hereafter as if you will die
with the goal of salvation to tomorrow”. (Hur Ameli, 1979,
the later life. But it does not Vol. 12: 49)
mean that we should give up
the present life and only care In another example, Imam
about the happiness of future Sadegh said:
life. The happiness of present “One who leaves the
and future life must be linked present life for the sake of
together. If you do not pay the Hereafter and one who
attention to the happiness in leaves Hereafter for the
present life, it is absolutely sake of present life is not
impossible to get happiness in our real follower”. (Majlisi,
the later life. According to the 1982, Vol. 75: 321)
prophet Mohammed: “The present
life is to be cultivated for Thus, the ultimate goal of
later life”. Islamic education is to be
saved and blessed in both