Page 42 - Pure Life 33
P. 42

The Educational Thoughts in… M. Kadkhodaei & J. Zeng (41

            lives. In order to achieve this           “Risalat  al-Huquq”  of  Imam
            goal,  Islam  has  constructed  a         Sajjad In part of this treatise,

            system      of     reward      and        it is stated:
            punishment  for  both  present               “And  the  right  of  him  to
            and future lives. In particular,             guide     you     to   acquire

            the  award  of  later  life  will            knowledge  (The  master  of
            obviously        surpass       the           teaching science) is to honor
            present life.                                him  and  to  respect  his
                                                         session and to listen well to
            1.  Defining      Rights      and            his speech and  to  turn (pay
                Responsibilities  Between                attention to) to him and help

                Teacher  and  Student  to                him for your own benefit so
                Advance Education                        that  he  can  teach  you  the
            The  rights  of  teachers  and               knowledge  you  need.  You
            students  and  the  relationship             should never answer anyone

            between them is a matter that                who      asks    him      about
            is  of particular importance in              something,  in  order  that  he
            both the schools of Islam and                may  be  the  one  who

            Confucius.  The  expression  of              answers”.  (Imam  Sajjad,
            these  duties  and  rights  in               2022: Chapter. 16)
            these  two  schools  can  be                   Confucius did not hide any

            aimed  at  creating  motivation
            in  teaching  and  learning  and          part  of  his  knowledge  in
            promoting  it  as  best  as               teaching students, and he had

            possible.  Especially  in  Islam,         no  knowledge  to  withhold
                                                      from them. He considered this
            the  mutual  rights  of  teachers
            and students are mentioned in             issue  as  his  duty  to  the
            accurate  detail,  which  can  be         students. This was the remarkable

            referred  to  the  book  of               character  of  Confucius.  This
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