Page 45 - Pure Life 33
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            44  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 27-61, Winter. 2023
            without trust to go remonstrance,         and it encourages the followers
            the monarch thinks it is slander          to do what Allah orders. This

            themselves.  In  explaining  the          can  be  illustrated  in  the
            characteristics of good leaders,          following scriptures.
            this  chapter  clearly  shows                Holy Quran states:

            what  happens  if  we  do  not               “Allah  was  well  pleased
            pre-empt  people  by  letter  or             with  the  believers  when
            remonstrate the monarchs and                 they  swore  allegiance  unto

            leaders.                                     thee  beneath  the  tree,  and
               Thus, we can see that in the              He knew what was in their
            system of reward and punishment,             hearts,  and  He  sent  down

            what people do, in Confucian                 peace  of  reassurance  on
            education  is  mainly  based on              them,  and  has  rewarded
            the present-day; but Islam serves            them  with  a  near  victory.

            people with current and future               And  much  booty  that  they
            lives to restrain people.                    will  capture.  Allah  is  ever
               On  the  other  hand,  Both               Mighty,       Wise.       Allah
            Islam      and     Confucianism              promises  you  much  booty

            pursue  the  joy  of  heaven,  as            that  you  will  capture,  and
            Confucius said:                              has  given  you  this  in
               If I do something wrong, let              advance,  and  has  withheld

               the  heaven  condemn  me!                 men's hands from you, that
               Let the heaven condemn me.                it  may  be  a  token  for  the
               (Yang,  1980,  Part.  6,                  believers, and that He may

               Chapter. 28)                              guide you on a right path”.
                                                         (Quran, 48: 18-20)
               In the same way, the Holy

            Quran also rewards education
            with current or future punishments,
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