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            42  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 27-61, Winter. 2023
            behavior  led  to  a  very  close            Confucius  himself  affirms
            relationship between him and              this  kind  of  moral  character,

            his followers and students.               says:
               Today,  many  developed                   “Silence  and  consolidation
            countries  with  high  levels  of            of  knowledge,  unceasing

            science and technology do not                learning  and  never  feel
            follow this principle at all, on             satisfied,  teaching  without
            the contrary, they resort to all             fatigue  and  laziness,  I  will

            different  ways  to  hide  their             have  no  need  other  than
            information  and  knowledge,                 these  three”.  (Yang,  1980,
            in  order  to  colonize  other               Part. 7, Chapter. 2)

                                                         Confucius even somewhere,
            2.  Encouraging         Learning          by  describing  his  tirelessness
                Through  Self-Motivating              in learning science, implicitly

                and Being a Role Model                calls  students  to  follow  this
            The  best  way  to  motivate              valuable path. When Ye Gong,
            students  to  learn  is  for  the         who  was  a  politician  in

            teacher  to  be  a  practical  and        Confucius period, asks ZILU,
            ideal model for the seekers of            one  of  Confucius  student
            knowledge.  Because  the  first           about Confucius' behavior, as

            role model for students is the            he  was  unable  to  describe  a
            teacher himself.  Confucius as            great man like Confucius, kept
            a model of the great masters,             silent. Confucius, who witnessed

            never  satisfied  in  acquiring           the incident, told ZILU:
            knowledge,  he  never  felt                  Why didn't you describe me
            bored in teaching others.                    as  I  tell  you  now?  He

                                                         becomes  so  engrossed  in
                                                         effort that he forgets to eat
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