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            48  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 27-61, Winter. 2023

            was displeasing to me. (Saadi             inappropriateness  exists  in
            Shirazi,  2013,  Chapter.  2,             our soul or not, if there is, we

            Wisdom. 21)                               try to correct it.
               Confucius also did not have
            a  specific  teacher.  There  was         4.  The Importance of Asking

            always  a  master  for  him                   Question
            among  those  who  were  in               Both     schools     pay     great
            intercommunicate  with  him.              attention  to  the  matter  of

            says Confucius:                           asking  question  and  consider
               If  three  of  us  travel              asking  question  as  the  key
               together,  one  of  them               factor to acquiring knowledge.

               should  be  able  to  be  my           In the teachings of the Islamic
                                                      school,  students  are  usually
               teacher,  and  I  should
               choose and follow his good             encouraged  to  ask  questions;

               behavior  and  use  it  to             but  it  is  necessary  to  pay
               correct myself by recognizing          attention to three points:
               his flaws.. (Ref: Kadkhodaei              - When to ask a question?
               and Zeng, 2020: 22)                       - What kind of questions to ask?

                                                         -  What  does  one  mean  by
               The meaning of his wisdom                 asking question? That is, by
            is  that  there  are  always                 asking  the  question,  what

            valuable points to learn in the              do we want to achieve?
            words  and  deeds  of  others.
                                                         Students  should  not  ask
            The  good  behavior  of  others           nasty questions, in which case

            should be chosen and learned,
            and if we see inappropriateness           they  will  disrespect  the
                                                      teacher by disrespecting science
            and deficiency in the behavior

            of  others, we  should  think  in         and  knowledge,  and  deprive
                                                      themselves of the opportunity
            ourselves  whether  the  same
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