Page 52 - Pure Life 33
P. 52

The Educational Thoughts in… M. Kadkhodaei & J. Zeng (51

            question  differently  because            Because  Zi  Luo  had  a
            the questioner was different.             courageous  but  thoughtless

               Section Yan Yuan (Section 12)          temperament, he was inevitably
            of  Lun  Yu  mentions  this               reckless  in  doing  things,  so
            matter:  Yan  Yuan,  Zhong                Confucius  asked  him  to

            Gong,  and  Sima  Qian  all               consult his father and brother
            asked  Confucius  about  the              first and then take action. But

            concept       of      REN(Ren             Ran  You;  because  of  his
            (Chinese:        仁)      is     the       overly  cautious  and  calm
            Confucian virtue denoting the             temperament,  often  retreated

            good feeling a virtuous human             in  the  face  of  problems,  so
            experiences when is altruistic.           Confucius  asked  him  to  take

            Ren  is  under  the  normal               action immediately upon hearing
            adult's  protective  feelings  for        something.  In  this  way,
            children.  It  is  considered  the        Confucius  had  a  proper
            outward expression of Confucian           training  for  his  disciples  by

            ideals),and Confucius' answered           driving  them  make  the  best
                                                      decision in the same situation
            in  three  different  ways.  Even

            Zilu  and  Ran  You,  followers           based       on      their     own
            of  Confucius,  both  asked               personality,  so  that  they
            Confucius the same question:              would  not  go  to  extremes.

            Should      action     be    taken        (Qian, 2011: 265)
            immediately  upon  hearing                   There is a similar theory in
            something?                                Islamic thought, which means

               But  Confucius'  response              that  it  is  necessary  to  teach
            was quite different from what             any  knowledge  to  a  person
            was  expected,  which  aroused            who  is  qualified  to  acquire
            the  curiosity  of  Gong  xihua.          that    knowledge.       Because
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