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            50  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 27-61, Winter. 2023
               (Yang,  1980,  Part.  2,                  continue  teaching.  (Qian,
               Chapter. 17; Xie, 2003: 76)               2011: 156)

            5.  The  Right  Time  to  Start              On the subject of studying,

                Training:  Who  Deserves              Confucius  emphasizes  that
                to Learn?                             studying  should  be  done  in
            Among  the  specific  teaching            such  a  way  that  when  a
            methods, Confucius introduces             problem  is  discussed  in  one

            a  special  teaching  method              dimension, you will find it in
            which  is  based  on  the  innate         other  dimensions  as  well,  he
            talents  and  desires  of  the            emphasized        creative     and

            learners,  it  is  the  method  of        practical  studying,  applying
            heuristic induction. He says:             the  lessons  in  life.(The
               In teaching students, I should         original          text          is:

               teach only when the learner            举一反三、活学活用、学以
               is well-thought-out for learning       致用,反对灌输知识的方法。)
               and  expressing  new  ideas,           and  not  using  the  injection

               and at the same time he is             training  method  means  large
               incapable of understanding             volume  training  without  the
               it,  as  long  as  they  do  not       opportunity  to  think  and

               want to say something while            understand.
               they  are  unable  to  explain            Confucius completely knew
               it,  enlighten  the  matter.  I        the personality of each of his

               will reveal an aspect of the           disciples  and  commented  on
               matter to the learner, so if           some of them. When answering
               he  is  not  able  to  deduce          his  students'  questions  and
               other  aspects  of  the  same          doubts, he answered the same

               matter,  I  will  refuse  to
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