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               64  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 63-100, Winter. 2023
               Introduction                           the outset, the husband and
               Family, which is the root of           wife are well aware of each

               line of human descent, will            other's  rights  and  those  of
               not  be  firm  and  stable             their  children  and  set  their
               unless it is strong, peaceful,         expectations  based  on  this

               dynamic  and  efficient.  One          knowledge, the family will
               of  the  factors  responsible          be  more  efficient  because,
               for  stability,  peacefulness          most  inconsistencies  that

               and  efficiency  of  a  family         jeopardize      the    familial
               is  the  respect  its  members         efficiency  are  rooted  in
               show for each other’s rights.          spouses not respecting each

               Paying  attention  to  the             other’s  rights  and  not
               question of rights paves the           giving  honest  appreciation
               ground      for     a     better       to each other.

               understanding of rights and               For example, it is one of
               removing their deficiencies.           the  rights  of  a  wife  not  to
                  One  of  the  things  that          be  forced  to  carry  out
               prevents family atmosphere             household  chores.  That  is

               from  becoming  cold  saves            to  say,  the  husband  cannot
               family bonds from shattering           make her do housework. It
               is  the  couples'  knowledge           does  not  mean  that  a

               of  their  spousal  rights,            husband  is  obliged  to
               duties  and  obligations  as           shoulder all the  burdens of
               well as the transparency of            life  covering  unnecessary

               the  mandatory  and  non-              expenses  or  devoting  part
               mandatory        limits     and        of  his  time  to  doing
               expectations. That is, if from         household  chores;  rather  it
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