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               66  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 63-100, Winter. 2023
                  That  is  to  say,  fulfilling      mutual  rights  on  family
               the  rights  is  not  only  a          efficiency and effectiveness

               factor  consolidating  the             based  on  religious  sources
               family  and  making  it                and psychological analysis?
               efficient,  but  it  is  also             At  the  end  of  the

               considered  to  be  an  act  of        introduction, it is important
               worship rewarded by God.               to state an issue and that is
                  The        findings        of       the difference between law

               researches  conducted  in              and  morality.  Although  at
               academic centers show that             times  there  is  an  overlap
               most     of    the     research        between  law  and  morality

               activities have been carried           (i.e. the law upholds moral
               out     to   determine       the       values); but there are basic
               correlation between fulfilling         differences  between  these

               the  rights  and  marital  or          domains:
               family satisfaction. Most of              -  Legal  rules  deal  only
               the  relevant  researches  do             with man's social behavior
               not    rely     on    religious           whereas      moral      rules

               sources,  and  many  of  the              include  man's  individual
               research  activities  done  on            and  social  behaviors.  In
               the  basis  of  religious sources         other  words,  morality

               lack psychological analysis on            addresses man's relationship
               this issue.                               with  God,  himself  and
                  Therefore,      the     main           others but law supervises

               question of this research is,             man's  relationship  with
               how  does  the  effect  of                others only.
               reciprocity  and  fulfilling
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