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Impact of Observance of Family Members' Rights… M.M. Safouraei Parizi (65

               is  to  draw  the  attention  of       attitudes.  Speaking  from
               those men, who because of              the  viewpoint  of  social

               working  outside  the  home            psychology,  the  attitudes
               keep  taunting  their  wives           are  so important  that  some
               describing  their  work  as            experts  believe  that  social

               worthless,  to  the  fact  that        psychology  is  the  study  of
               the  housework  their  wives           attitudes  only.  )Baqiriyan,
               are  carrying  out  is  not  out       2000: 2)

               of responsibility but out of              The  perfect  religion  of
               virtue and compassion.                 Islam      has     paid     due
                  If  a  man is  cognizant  of        attention  to  the  reciprocal

               the  fact  that  housework  is         rights  of  people  especially
               not  a  duty  of  his  wife,  he       family members legislating
               will appreciate her hard work,         rules  that  address  all  the

               overlook  any  shortcoming             stages  and  rights  of  all
               and  make  efforts  to  make           members  of  the  family
               amends. [If this is the case           including      the    husband,
               the],  love,  compassion,  and         wife, and children.

               cooperation will prevail the              When       it   comes      to
               family atmosphere and each             respecting  the  rights  of
               family  member  will  work             believers, it has been reported

               peacefully      and     keenly         in religious sources that:
               bringing  about  an  efficient            “In  no  way  is  Allah
               family.  When  everyone  in               worshipped  better  than

               the  family  is  aware  of  his           by fulfilling the right of a
               rights  and  responsibilities,            believer”. (Majlisi, 1983,
               it  will  lead  to  better                Vol. 71: 243)
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