Page 80 - Pure Life 33
P. 80
Impact of Observance of Family Members' Rights… M.M. Safouraei Parizi (79
be upon them. The general constructive attempt in this
purport of the traditions way has been reproved and
indicate that men's admonished by the
activities and efforts to Messenger of Allah. (Hurr
procure the needs of their Amili, 1991, Vol. 12: .43)
families and create ease
and comfort in their lives is 4. To be Well-Groomed
highly stressed by God and and Tidy
He has considered the Just as a man would like
highest rewards for them. his wife to be pretty,
The reward of martyrdom attractive, clean and tidy, a
in the way of God is the woman too wants her
husband to have the same
highest reward in the
religious culture and texts, characteristics, and it is
and he who strives to earn within her right to expect
money for [the comfort of] him to be clean and well-
his family is like one who dressed. It appeals to her to
fights in the way of Allah see her man tidy and smart.
and at times, it has been The tidiness and attractiveness
considered higher than that. of the man creates marital
Likewise, showing satisfaction and increases
indifference towards this in wife's modesty and
issue has been reproached protects her against taking
and he who does not give notice of other men.
serious attention to the One of the companions
welfare of himself and his of the seventh Shia Imam,
family and does not make peace be upon him, reports