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               80  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 63-100, Winter. 2023
               that  he  asked  him  the              wife to be faithful and loyal
               reason  for  dying  his  beard         to  each  other.  The  couple's

               and      he     replied     that       faithfulness  to  each  other
               adornment  of  man  (for  the          consolidates  marital  union
               sake of his wife) helps her            and  make  the  husband  and

               maintain      her     chastity.        wife to be attached to each
               Women  who  deviate  from              other,  thus,  it  impacts  the
               the  path  of  chastity  do  so        family efficiency.

               due to the carelessness and               Chastity  is  also  one  of
               faults of their husbands.              the  most  important  factors
                  It has been narrated from           affecting children's education

               Imam Reza that the Israelite           and,  by  extension,  the
               women  gave  up  on  their             society.  Family  is  the  best
               modesty due, mainly, to the            environment  for  teaching

               fact that their husbands did           virtue  and  chastity  to
               not adorn themselves. Then             children. Assimilating their
               he added that a woman has              parents, the children end up
               the  same  expectation  for            becoming modest human beings.

               him that a man has for her.
               (Majlisi, 1983, Vol. 73: 102)              5.  Good Relations
                  Maintaining chastity and            A  woman  is  a  divine  trust

               modesty  is  one  of  the              and  gift  for  man.  Imam
               factors responsible for family         Sajjad said:
               stability  and  efficiency.               “You  should  know  that

               Where there is no modesty                 she  is  God's  favour
               and  chastity,  one  cannot               toward you, so you should
               expect  the  husband  and                 honour her and treat her
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