Page 88 - Pure Life 33
P. 88
Impact of Observance of Family Members' Rights… M.M. Safouraei Parizi (87
he was born?” (Majlisi, milk for a suckling child is
1983, Vol. 101: 128) its own mother's milk in the
first place. Depriving a child
Furthermore, the parents of its mother's milk is a
have been forbidden from great injustice to the child.
giving a bad and ugly name For this reason, according
to their child. If they to Islam, there are ample
choose a bad name for their rewards for breastfeeding.
child, it will become a The Prophet says:
cause of embarrassment “And when she is giving
and the name will become a milk to her child, for
source of constant irritation every suck of the child,
affecting his character and Allah gives her a lot of
prestige in society. a child rewards, and when the
can change his name once period of breastfeeding
he attains the legal age. He the child is finished, one
has, however, been deprived of the great angels of
of having a good name by Allah taps her side and
his parents within a period says: 'Start your deeds
of time.
afresh, for Allah has
2. A Child's Right to be forgiven all your minor
Breastfed sins”. (Hurr Amili, 1991,
Based on divine injunctions Vol. 15: 175)
and the law of nature, a
child should be viewed as Perhaps, many would
having the right to be wonder why Islam considers
breastfed because the best breastfeeding as a right of