Page 84 - Pure Life 33
P. 84
Impact of Observance of Family Members' Rights… M.M. Safouraei Parizi (83
the best possible manner know her husband's rights,
and make herself available the Prophet said:
for her husband like an “She must not deny him
elegantly walking peacock. her body, even if she is
Then he says, if she does on the back of a camel”.
so, she has only honored (Ibid)
her husband's rights while
her husband's rights are This injunction signifies
more than this. She must the importance of fulfilling
wear the best of her man's sexual needs.
perfumes and clothes and 2. The Right to Control
adorn herself in the best Woman's going out
manner and submit herself and coming back Home
to her husband during The mandatory rule that a
the day and night and woman can leave her home
her husband's rights is on the condition that she gets
more than that. (Hurr Amili, her husband's permission is
1991, Vol. 14: 8) based on incontestable
traditions and reports.
When it comes to man's
desire for woman and the There are many traditions
latter's obedience to him, in the Shia sources making
the Prophet of God has a reference to the same point.
very amazing order. Replying Similar traditions have been
to a question asked by a narrated in Sunni sources.
woman who wished to (Ref: Haythami, 1991,
Vol. 4: 313)