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               84  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 63-100, Winter. 2023
                  This ruling has also been           satisfying  her  husband's
               considered indisputable among          needs  when  she  agrees  to

               jurists  because  no  one  has         live  at  a  place  chosen  by
               doubted  it.  There  are  few          her husband.
               scholars  who  are  of  the               The  religious  sources

               view  that  the  necessity  of         give  such  a  right  to  the
               obtaining permission relates           husband  and  consider  it  as
               to  the  time  when  her               one of his established rights

               walking  out  of  the  house           and  a  mandatory  duty  of
               leads  to  violation  of  her          the  wife.  Nonetheless,  the
               husband's  sexual  rights.             wife can stipulate as part of

               However,  given  the  fact             the  marriage  contract  that
               that  the  narrations  are             her  husband  should  not
               absolute and unrestricted, it          take her out of her own city

               is unreasonable to  consider           and  place  of  residence  or
               it  as  applicable  to  such           allow  her  to  live  in  a
               cases  where  the  husband's           specific  city  and  if  the
               sexual  right  is  violated.           husband        accepts       the

               (Bustan, 2009: 60)                     condition,  he  must  comply
                                                      with  it,  (Hurr  Amili,  1991,
                   3.  The Right to Choose            Vol. 14: 435) and violating

                      where to Live                   it  is  a  breach  of  the
               Among the requirements of              covenant. (Bustan, 2009: 68)
               sexual  obedience  is  the                The  Civil  Code  of  the

               husband's  right  to  choose           Islamic  Republic  of  Iran
               where  to  live.  A  woman             makes reference to this right:
               can fulfill her obligation of
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