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               88  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 63-100, Winter. 2023
               the  child  upon  its  parents.        Just  as  breastfeeding  has
               Are      there      not     any        been  emphasized  in  the

               alternatives to breastfeeding?         Quran  and  jurisprudence,
                  To  answer this  question,          they  too  believe  that  the
               we  would  point  out  that            mother  should  give  her

               God  is  Wise  and  that               own  nutritious  food  to  the
               everything  in  its  place  is         baby because human breast
               best according to His perfect          milk  is  a  perfect  food  and

               wisdom  which  requires                the    richest     and    most
               conscious  orderliness  of             nutritious of all foods since
               creation and a comprehensive           it  contains  all  what  an

               vision in legislating rules.           infant's body needs.
                  A  child's  birth  and  its            Breast  milk  has  lots  of
               nutritional  needs  and  the           benefits and advantages for

               fact that the milk glands in the       the child some of which are
               mother's breasts simultaneously        stated below. These benefits
               begin      the     work       of       motivate the mothers not to
               producing  breast  milk  and           deprive  their  children  of

               the ingredients of the breast          their  rights  and  to  believe
               milk  are  signs  of  divine           that  breast  milk  is  their
               wisdom  and  also  a  sign  of         infants' right.

               the  oneness  of  God  for                -  Breast  milk  provides
               those  who  ponder  and                   optimal nutrition for babies
               contemplate.                              and  it  best  suits  their

                  Experts believe that breast            physiological  structure;
               milk  is  the  most  perfect              because  it  has  all  the
               food for infants and babies.              nutrients  for  growth.
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