Page 36 - Pure Life 34
P. 36
Allamah Misbah’s Puzzle … M. Legenhausen (35
the soul on the basis of this will be contrary to the claim
theory, for in this case it that a corporeal substance
would appear as though the changes into an incorporeal
ascending motion were one. The two horns of the
present from the start. dilemma are:
If, on the other hand, it is 1. There is some specific
said that the ascending motion point at which the
began at a certain moment, substantial motion takes
the implication will be that place by which the human
this motion can be analyzed soul appears.
into two motions: 2. The substantial motion
A constant motion that was there from the start so
continues within the body, that there is no specific
and an ascending motion that point at which the change
begins at a certain point. In occurs from the corporeal
that case, we cannot say that to the spiritual.
the body was transformed into
the soul, but that the soul If we take the first option,
came to be attached to the it would seem that we have
body at the point the identified the point at which
ascending motion begins. the soul becomes attached to
(Ref: Kanzian and the body, contrary to the
Legenhausen, 2010; Quoted by: claim that the soul evolved or
Misbah Yazdi) emerged from the body. If we
The question posed here take the second option, it
takes the form of a dilemma. seems that the soul was
No matter which horn of the present from the beginning
dilemma we choose, the result and there is no evolution or
emergence at all.