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            38  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
            and  is  divine,  Mulla  Sadra            which  the  body  is  connected
            extends this to all the faculties.        to an immortal soul.
               Matter      alone    and     its          Allamah  Misbah  suggests
            principles  are  not  sufficient          that this would be the moment
            for  the  appearance  of  any  of         at  which  an  immaterial  soul

            the  perfections  of  the  soul,          becomes attached to its body.
            whether  nutritive,  animal,  or             To  the  contrary,  Mulla
            rational, although the vegetable          Sadra  might  respond  that

            soul  will  appear  when  the             what happens at this  moment
            corporeal arrangement is suitable.        is  not  the  attachment  of
            Some of these perfections will            something       else,  but  the

            die  with  the  death  of  the            development  of  powers,  by
            body,  such  as  the  power  of           divine  grace,  in  what  was
            nutrition     and    locomotion;          already present.

            while  others,  the  imaginative             In  response,  one  could  say
            and  rational,  will  continue            that in this development from
            after death.                              a  corporeal  substance  to  an
               The point in time at which             immortal and incorporeal one,

            the  imaginative  faculty  will           there  is  a  change  from  one
            be  activated  will  be  some             sort  of  substance  to  another.
            time between the activation of            The  point  of  change  is  to  be

            the  nutrient  faculty  and  the          explained  by  the  attachment
            rational faculty.                         of  a  new  substance  to  the
               In     keeping      with     the       body, a soul.

            assumption of the first horn of              The  response  of  Mulla
            Allamah  Misbah’s  dilemma,               Sadra  is  to  be  found  in  his
            we are supposing that there is            answer to the question of how

            some  particular  moment  at              many  souls  a  person  has  at
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