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            40  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
            previously corporeal,  because            assumption  that  there  is
            it is essentially immaterial.             ascending  substantial  motion,
               Mulla  Sadra  might  have              that  is,  change  within  the
            responded  that  the  continuity          substance  of  the  individual
            between the organic substance             human being that involves its

            and  the  immaterial  one  is             becoming  more  perfect  or
            sufficient  to  justify  the  claim       acquiring  powers,  from  its
            that it is the same individual,           beginning. It is not clear what

            the  soul,  that  was  corporeal          the beginning is. Conception?
            and      became        immaterial            Allamah  Misbah  says  that
            through  substantial  motion,             the  ascending  motion  might

            through  the  exchange  of  a             have  a  long  history  with  no
            merely  corporeal  substance              clear  beginning  at  all.  This
            for an immaterial one.                    seems  to  indicate  that  he  is

               The      soul     retains    its       not speaking of an individual
            individual identity despite the           but of the stuff that will later
            change  in  substance.  This              find  its  way  to  become
            continuity on which individual            organized as a human body.

            diachronic  identity  is  based              One  might  also  raise  the
            will  be  present  even  if,  in          question  of  the  beginning  of
            accordance with the first horn            the  soul  phylogenetically:

            of      the     dilemma,        the       Was  there  not  evolutionary
            substantial  change  occurs  at           development  in  successive
            some particular instant.                  species  until  the  human  soul

                                                      appeared,  that  is,  living
            The         Second          Horn:         creatures with rational powers?
            Beginningless Emergence                      Even  if  Ernst  Haeckel’s
            The  second  horn  of  the                slogan, ontogeny recapitulates

            dilemma  begins  with  the
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