Page 62 - Pure Life 34
P. 62
Manifesting the Meaning of Life … S. Azimi Terambanian et al (61
In this regard, philosophers as “Existential Void” or
and thinkers have often “Meaninglessness”.
attempted to answer these This qualitative research was
questions, while the truth conducted using documentary
remains an unresolved mystery and library sources and is
that may never find a fully considered a fundamental
satisfying answer, without giving study in terms of its objective.
rise to new questions in the Initially, the issue of
process. existential meaninglessness and
Some individuals reach the the perspectives of some
conclusion at a certain point thinkers in this regard were
in their lives that the life and discussed. Then, by examining
efforts they have made so far the philosophical perspectives
have had no value. of Wittgenstein in his early
Life in the modern era, philosophy and adopting a
with all its exceptional descriptive-analytical approach
advantages and opportunities to his ontological views, an
provided for humans, seems attempt was made to provide
to have left them empty a possible answer to the main
inside, distancing them from research question: Which factor
their true existential truth and can restore the lost meaning
identity. Their way of thinking and hope to contemporary
and perspective has changed, human life by depicting an
and they have lost their image of eternal life?
authenticity and reality.
These changes are described
through a set of signs known