Page 65 - Pure Life 34
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64 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
inclination towards emptiness Kierkegaard, Wittgenstein, Dilthey,
and meaninglessness have and others.
directed attention towards John Cottingham believes that
understanding the meaning of life, separated from human will,
life and searching for a path possesses inherent meaning,
to attain meaningfulness. and humans must discover it.
In the contemporary age, (Cottingham, 2003: 12-45)
due to close and tangible In this approach, the
contact with the crisis of moment-to-moment existence
emptiness, humans are drawn of an individual is meaningful,
more than ever to these and one must seek meaning in
discussions and strive to find their personal life. Some also
tangible solutions to existential believe that having a lasting
pains and give meaning to impact on this world is a path
their existence. to giving meaning to life; As
As a result, the concern for Tolstoy says:
meaning and meaningfulness Life is meaningless unless
is found in all aspects of each human being creates
human life and intellectual a fundamental change in
dimensions. In the views of the world and leaves a
analytical philosophers and new lasting impact. (Tolstoy,
philosophers, we encounter a 2000: 11)
more serious engagement with
this issue. The deep existential and
Traces of this thinking can mystical concerns of Wittgenstein
be found in the perspectives in his Tractatus resonate as his
of philosophers such as Bergson, most significant philosophical
work in the advanced period.
His contemplations on the