Page 70 - Pure Life 34
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Manifesting the Meaning of Life … S. Azimi Terambanian et al (69
of the world, where the actual perspective of analytical
affairs reside within it, while philosophers. in research
the philosophical subject on semantics and absurdity.
exists at its boundary, and
transcendent values such as - In his article, Mousavi
ethics, art, and aesthetics exist Karimi (2023) examines
outside of it. The awareness the ontological perspectives
within the philosophical in which the finitude or
subject is the same as the infinity of the world and
universal awareness in the life is examined from the
world. viewpoint of important
To put it differently, the theorists.
philosophical subject or the - Kroy (1981) examined the
metaphysical subject is issue of death and Eternity
capable of perceiving the in Wittgenstein's views, but
totality of the world and did not derive a solution to
determining its nature; As achieve Eternity from his
Wittgenstein expresses it: views.
The world and life are one.
(Wittgenstein, 2001: 621-625) - Wolf (2007) has examined
the meaning of life and
The background of this whether the issue of
research is as follows: Immortality distinguishes
- In this regard, Hosseini between the existence of
(2015) has previously meaning and the absence of
discussed the meaning of meaning. In this study, the
life and concepts such as researcher does not explicitly
happiness, well-being, ethics, provide a meaningful component
and value from the and only describes the