Page 126 - Pure Life 35
P. 126

The Most Important Application of Self-knowledge… T.S. Amini et al (125

            the  “Self”  does  not  change               Allameh  Tabatabai  based
            and therefore is not material.            the principle on the existence

            Anyone who refers to himself              of  an  incorporeal  being  and
            will  find  that  he  has  always         considers  the  opposite  to  be
            been  one  and  remains  the              the  result  of  neglecting  this

            same  and  that  there  has  not          principle.
            been  the  slightest  change  in             Bergson's  book  “Creative
            him.      (Tabatabai,       1997,         Evolution”  begins  with  the

            Vol. 1: 365)                              concept that “I am constantly
               This  point  is  simple  and           changing”. (Bergson, 1969: 12)
            being busy with daily material               Although  we  stipulate  this

            work and worldly life causes              truth  in  our  tongues  that  we
            people      to     neglect     the        “Change”,  we  speak  of  the
            incorporeality        of      self.       states  of  our  souls  as  if  they

            (Ibid: 180)                               were  solid.  (Pearson  et  al,
               It  can  be  said  that  what          2020: 161)
            does  not  change  is  the                   In other words, there is no
            “Identity” of a person, not his           passivity or request that does

            “Self”;  Identity  is  the  thing         not change at every moment.
            that  makes  the  person  of  the         Any mental state will have a
            past  to  be  the  same  as  an           duration if it does not change;

            identical     to    the    current        Even if we consider the most
            person.  Identity  is  a  mixture         still  states  of  mind,  for
            of a set of characteristics that          example,        observing         a

            have  been  formed  over  time            motionless  external  object,
            and  transferred  from  cells  to         and  suppose  that  object
            each other.                               remains fixed and my angle of
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